Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Chapter you want to read part 11

Part 11:

*          *          *

     After the feast I went into a little house marked “Jeremy” and found Nora sitting on the bed packing a bag full of clothes that I had never seen before, but I figured the Knotr may have just made some clothes for me. As I entered she noticed me.
    “Hey Jeremy, I was just packing up a few things for when we begin our journey to Fulmar’s lair,” she said to me.
    “Oh, when should we embark?”
    “I was thinking right after Garnids comes back from the feast. He looks up to you as our savior.”
    “I figured that. There was a plate for me marked ‘To our savior Jeremy.’”
    “Yeah, I don’t want us to mess this mission up because I think of him as a brother and do not want to disappoint him.” Nora’s tone suddenly got a lot more serious.
    “I believe that we can do this, I just have one question. There was this guy named Jaramy, and I ate his food because I thought that they just didn’t know how to spell my name. Then he saw me eating his food and exploded. Do you know why that happened?”
    “You are the one with the book aren’t you?”
    The book!
There it was in plain words:
The Knotr are very strange creatures. They are kind of like walking kamikaze’s because whenever they get really emotional they tend to explode, but don’t worry they always form back to their original selves, basically the are just compressed forms of energy. It just takes a while for their energy to find and put all of the pieces back together.
    “Ok that is interesting, it says when they get really emotional they will explode, but don’t worry they will form back eventually.”
    “Yeah Jaramy explodes way more than all of the other Knotrs, sometimes I feel sorry for him; I guess after he forms back together he gets more emotional, and it is a vicious cycle until someone can calm him down.” Nora said.
    As Nora said this Garnids came into the room and just sat down at a table. He was staring at us and I think he was waiting for one of us to speak up and realize that he was there. We both knew he was in the room, and then it got silent. It was one of those silences that you dread; the really awkward ones when you don’t know if you are going to talk first or someone else is, and then when you start to speak another person speaks with you. Which makes it that much more awkward and uncomfortable.
    “Okay, Garnids what is there to report,” I said finally.
    “Ok, we’ve seemed to have located some Unkind scouts wandering around down there on the ground. We have sent out some of our scouts to see what they are equipped with. They seem to have some kind of flaming sword. If your journey is interrupted by these creatures you will need to be properly equipped.” He said.
    “Ok what will you have us bring?” I said.

    “Follow me,” Garnids said.

The Chapter you want to read part 10

Part 10:
       “We are getting to that part, but first you need to know the back story of what you are looking for. It is called the Book of Fulmar. We need it to better understand some things about our world and about the direnight so we can find one to gaze into our shaman’s eyes. With the war going on we need the book so that our shaman is able to release some of her stress on her brain. You see shaman put pressure on their brains because they’re blind. Their brains swell because they need to use their other senses to see so they can use their brain to transmit waves around the room. It is kind of like the echolocation that bats use. Anyways once a year the shaman of every tribe get together and reveal their eyes so that the stress on their brain goes away. With the war on no shaman can make it out here because we are the farthest from any of the other villages.”  Nora said.
      “Okay, so why do you need me?”
      “We need you to get the book and bring it back here, we chose you because only newcomers can enter and exit Fulmars lair, and you are a newcomer here. We will send our guardian with you because the war hasn’t reached us mainly because only other shaman know that we are out here.” Garnids said.
      “Okay, wait your guardian can’t go into the lair with me.”
      “Yes she can because a new comer can be accompanied with two people. It is a stupid rule but Fulmar has guards searching for you and they usually go in groups of three. Besides even if that couldn’t happen his lair is in his kingdom so our guardian can help you to get to the lair and then fend off monsters outside, they just can’t go in the room with you. He has cast spells on it to prevent anyone who has been here more than a year to go in there. He thought it would work because no one really ventures here, but he did not think of you. You need to get to his lair to get the book. His lair is just like a throne room.” Vanessa said in her scraggily voice.
      “Okay I’m starting to get it now,” I said, “what I still do not understand is how the heck I am supposed  to get to Fulmar’s lair when I don’t even know where I am!”
      “It is difficult to explain, but we are on a floating island just above the Gardor River. There is a bridge leading down to the main land, but then you would have to find your own way to the lair because no one knows where it is,” said Garnids.
Wait Fulmar’s lair I remember seeing that somewhere. OH WAIT! It is in the book.
      “I think I might have a way of finding where he is hiding his lair, but if we have to leave soon then lets sleep and eat first because I am HUNGRY!” I said in excitement aloud to everyone in the room.
*         *         *
      After a while everyone got together and then we had a FEAST, there was food everywhere I looked. I didn’t know what most of the things were, but as I walked down the row of chairs I could make out a pile of cheeseburgers labeled “JARAMY.” I figured they didn’t know how to spell my name and this was for me. Just to be sure I confirmed it with an odd couple sitting next to me that started laughing right after they told me and I quote “Yes that be’ist your food not someone else’s!” I decided I was hungry and I didn’t care if it was mine or not, so I dug in. After I finished about half of them a big Knotr about twice the size of any other Knotr there walked straight up to me with a face of what looked like disgust (it might have been just his normal face though) and let out a deep belch. UGGHH it was horrible just imagine a blender was filled with sardines, bratwurst, and molasses. Plus to top it all of it was very warm afterwards I was thankful I didn’t burn.
      That is when he spoke, “Hey you been eating Jaramy’s food, he only eats these fluffer patties.”
      “Oh sorry I thought it was mine, Jaramy is close to Jeremy you see.” I said.
      Just then the fat Knotr exploded into chunks of Knotr. Even if I didn’t want to throw up before now I wanted to even more. It was the worst thing that I had ever seen. Then I looked to my right and saw a plate of pizza that said: “To our savior Jeremy.” I was overwhelmed with what had just happened that I just kept eating Jaramy’s “fluffer patties.”

      I never want to go through that experience ever again.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

How much for a locke?

In English we had to read the rape of the locke. It is basically about a baron who wants to get this girl's hair. There are also these 'syphs' who try and protect the girl from getting her hair cut. Long story short the baron gets a lock of her hair, and she believes that it is rape. In the process the syphs protect her from this, and then one of them is cut in half by the scissors that are used to cut her hair. It is a funny serious type piece. It uses satire a bunch to demonstrate its point to its reader. It is similar in its ways to Jonathon Swift's "A modest proposal', or the baby eating theory as I like to call it. They both play on the satire of humanity to create a funny serious point. Also in this story the girl asks the baron if she could get the hair that he cut off back. As anyone who really wants something would say, he declined this offer and continued on with the lock of hair. She was saddened by this. This is a comical story. Also in class we had to read an excerpt from "Paradise lost" I found this story very interesting. It was religious and it had many parts about it that were very interesting. In some forms of literature you see Beelzebub as Satan, and in this story Beelzebub talked to Satan. I found that interesting, as well as many of the other choices throughout the story, such as Satan being a cherub.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

To be or not to be

Hamlet is coming to a close, and soon we are going to start reading Frankenstein which I am very excited for because it is more imaginative with a bigger meaning behind it. I was told by one of my teachers that the original Frankenstein is exactly like Edward scissor hands. This made me think I back to when I had watched that movie. My teacher then continued to say that both were just about people who were misunderstood by everyone, and thought to be a threat to society.  This is interesting to think about because that is no what I was taught that Frankenstein was about. I was always told that an evil scientist created a monster out of many different people to raid villages. Then the monster was killed with fire by an angry mob. I find it interesting that this is not how the original is portrayed. I always seem to find the original pieces of work better because it gives the reader a chance to actually see what the author wanted their work to be portrayed as. I enjoy reading old fairy tales to actually see what they were about, even though some of them are extremely gory. This is hopefully going to be the case with Frankenstein. I am excited to move from something where someone had "to be," onto something where someone was chosen from  "the not to be's."  The transition we are making into reading Frankenstein is also a refresher in my biblical knowledge which is always a joy.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The end, for everyone! (well except Horatio)

      The end of "Hamlet" was different than most Shakespearean plays, and it was interesting. The way that everyone just started dropping like flies was funny. Then at the end I felt bad for Horatio because he was the only one living when Fortinbras came in. That would be the most awkward situation anyone has ever experienced. Everyone was just lying on the floor dead, and then the king of another country just walks in the door after your best friend died, and said to live to tell their story. I would have probably just ran away and decided to never come back. In Act 5 Scene 2 all of the death occurred. You figure out that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are most likely dead by the hand of paranoid Hamlet, and then begins the duel. I just found the way that Gertrude died to be hilarious because okay lets drink something that your husband tells you not to drink. Where was some common sense as to: "My husband/brother has been trying to kill my son/nephew all year, lets drink something that Claudius is trying to make only Hamlet drink." Yeah she was ignorant. Also Hamlet, we know you hated Claudius, but I don't think that he will be coming back after you stab him. I just felt that force feeding him poison after he was already bleeding to death was a little much. I also don't get how Laertes and Hamlet swords got switched, they were in each of their hands for crying out loud. If I was going to kill someone with a poison dipped sword, I would be extremely careful as to where it is, but hey that is only my opinion.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Chapter you Want to Read Part 9

3.    The Chapter You Want to Read
     There I was standing with the Knotrs, and standing in front of me was the last person I wanted to see. It was the girl who took everything from me, my friends, family and most importantly my life in the normal world. She had taken me from my home and dragged me down here. Her eyes showed me that it was her.
I spoke at last “What are you doing here!? I thought you were gone. Wait… don’t you work for Fulmar! You’re a she-devil, aren't you? Yes you are I saw you transform! Wait no that was someone that looked like you? Will you explain yourself please?”
      Vanessa spoke first “This is Nora our tribe guardian she heard that you had been drug down here and I sent her off to find you. She tried to infiltrate the she-devils and I guess it didn't work out because she came running out of the house and alerted our guards to try to find you. When you came running out of the house we were relieved but then you fainted. We figured that you knew where you were and would come with us, but instead you fainted.”
      “So Nora is good, then why does she look like a she devil?”
      “I am a shape shifter but my true form is the mortal version of a she-devil. It was the curse put on me when I became a shape shifter.” Nora spoke.
      “Ok then how did you become a…” I tried to speak when I was interrupted by Garnids.
      “That is enough questions for right now. Now let’s go into the next room to discuss why we had brought you down here.”
As we walked into the next room I was blown away by what I saw. There was a big black cauldron in the middle of the room, ingredients filled shelves all around the room, and a big wooden stick was sticking out of the cauldron, probably a stirring stick. Off to the right of the room was a single door with nothing else on the wall and all of the bricks were darker than the rest.
      “Now it is time to tell you why we brought you here Jeremy,” Nora said.
      “Why you brought me here, so you were the one who took my parents and killed them!”
      “No Jeremy, a she-devil brought your parents down here to the outerwide and killed them in front of you that much is true, but then we knew that we had to get you out of there and in our village so that we can start you on your quest just like is says we should in the prophecy.” Garnids spoke that time.
      “So what you’re telling me is that I need to go on a quest?” I asked.
      “Yes, now you are getting it.” Vanessa congratulated.

      “A quest for what?”

Fat trolls part 8

Part 8:
      “Well hello there you must be Jeremy, I’m Vacnushta or in your language Vanessa,” said the old weird, strange voice, then all of a sudden a Knotr appeared, but it didn't look like a regular Knotr, it looked like a dried up little raisin with 50 chins, and no eyes, just two large holes in its head.
      “Why do you not have eyes, and where is the guardian?” I asked.
      “Oh Natalia is in my workshop looking in the fountain. It is said the fountain can be used to see someone’s struggles. You may be wondering why it is that I don’t have eyes, well you see I am the shaman of this tribe and as a duty of being shaman I have to gain the eyes of wisdom which I have, it is just that they are only visible to other shaman,” she said then I think she tried to glare at me.
      “Okay that makes perfect sense.” I said in a sarcastic tone. Then I opened the book to see if she was correct and there it was right in front of me:
 …The Knotr shamans are very unusual creatures because of the fact that you cannot see their eyes, but they do in fact have eyes though unable to see by anyone except other Knotr shaman. If they do ever reveal their eyes to anyone other than shaman or the direnight than that thing will perish instantly and turn into a nut…
      There it was. She really was telling the truth. I do wonder what a direnight is though, as I put the book away the shaman spoke again.
      “You have the book?”
      “This? Umm yeah I do, but what does it matter there was tons of these books just lying around in this old cabin”
      “That is because that cabin was in Fulmars domain. That book has been banned ever since the start of Fulmar’s reign.”
      “Oh that makes sense a she-devil did want this book, and it seemed very important.”
      “You battled a she-devil?” Asked the chief.
      “No I battled a skeleton minion, which I think was controlled by the she-devil, and I barely escaped.”
      “You’re lucky you did escape, she-devils are truly violent.” Said a new voice coming from where Vanessa had just came from.

      I knew that voice, where had I heard it before. I now was going through all of the voices I had ever remembered in my head to see if I could place it. Then out of the shadows came someone I knew, someone I had feared, and someone who I had fled.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The end is NEAR!

In act 4 of Hamlet right now Hamlet and Claudius are trying to kill each other. I do not understand why their desire to kill each other is the only thing on their mind. It is obvious and ambiguous at the same time. With Hamlet wanting to exact revenge on his father, but also wanting to find a purpose in life, and with Claudius wanting total power over the country and wanting to just continue his manipulative ways, it is difficult to determine which one of their reasons outweighs the other. I find this interesting that each killer is killing for one sole purpose: to kill the other before they get killed, or in the cliche form kill or be killed. This act is purposeful to the end act because it sets up a way for Claudius and Laertes to kill Hamlet. It also gives the reader or watcher the chance to see Hamlet when he finally broke down and decided that killing is the only way to kill and live. On the other hand Claudius and Laertes decide that to kill Hamlet they will have him duel Laertes. Laertes will also have a poisoned blade, and then they will give Hamlet a glass of poison to be sure that he dies. At the end of Act 4 Gertrude rushes into the room and tells Laertes and Claudius that Ophelia has drowned. They are both shocked, and that is the end of the Act.The plot line is starting to really come together, and become complete. I am looking forward to act 5.